Friday, June 13, 2008

My Lila's becoming "Chemo Savvy"

She had her pre-chemo briefing at the cancer center yesterday (her treatments start next week, on Wednesday).

Afterwords, she investigated their library, where she said she found shelves upon shelves of books and pamphlets about just about every aspect of the disease. She said she saw sumpin funny: There was a shelf for works about Cancer & Sex, but only one offering on it (which she appropriated). But she laughed when she speculated later with me whether the dearth of material was because of the subject matter itself, or that there was so little to say...I dunno...

Another amusing anecdote:
When Lila tells her (woman) friends about her cancer, she told me yesterday, they always ask 'which breast?'
When she tells 'em it's not breast cancer, she says a lot of women get a look in their eyes, like she's let down the side or something, as if by not having breast cancer, somehow she's been disloyal to the sisterhood...
She laughed and laughed...
It was good to hear her so delighted.

(PS: She LOVED my groping for humor in that pun in the Hed. But she loves me, so I guess that's not too surprising...)

1 comment:

Feral said...

Woody, again you stick your thumb in the eye of conventional thought by starting a blog about hope on Friday the 13th :)